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In the shadow of Mount Si sits a small country church, wonderfully illuminated by the light of God. We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person with all your complexities, gifts, questions, and challenges. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world. We believe our mission is to serve, reach out and grow in grace. ALL are welcome to join us in this quest.

Yellow Flowers


Sunday Worship

March 16th

Presiding: ​Pastor Chelsea Globe


Worship Bulletin: Lent

Bulletin Insert: March 16

In-person and livestream

To watch worship live on YouTube

 use this link : MSLC Livestream

Lent midweek

Wednesday evenings beginning March 12 through April 9.

6pm Soup Supper in Fellowship Hall

7pm Worship in Sanctuary

Maunday Thursday

Thursday, April 17, 6pm

Fellowship Hall

At this service we remember Jesus' last meeting with his disciples before his crucifixion. 

Good friday

Friday, April 18, 7pm


At this service remember again the last hours of Jesus' life, his crucifixion and placement in the tomb. This is a candlelight service.

easter sunday

Sunday, April 20, 9:30am


Share in the Easter celebrations as we proclaim, "Christ is Risen!"

This festival Sunday is full of life and light. Following worship is a special fellowship time.

About the ELCA

About the Synod

About Mt Si Lutheran

Mt Si Lutheran Church - PO Box 487 - 411 NE 8th St. North Bend, WA 98045
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